Ser vs Estar:  learn the differences between SER and ESTAR

If you have been studying Spanish for a while, you have probably encountered one of the trickiest aspects of the language: the distinction between “ser” and “estar”.

These two verbs can be translated as ‘to be’ in English and that brings confusion on when to use one or another. It is important to understand that ‘ser’ and ‘estar’ are not changeable and most cases are used to express different situations.

In this post, we will explore its uses and strategies to understand these two fundamental verbs in Spanish.

illustration with small images and description for uses of 'ser' and 'estar'


It is used to describe:

Identity and Characteristics: essential qualities or inherent

. Paul es organizado – Paul is organized

Time and Date: to describe date and time

.Son las ocho y media – It’s half past eight o’clock

Material: to describe what something is made of

.La camiseta es de algodón – The t-shirt is made of cotton

Events: to indicate where an event is happening

.La fiesta es en su casa – The party is at their house

Relationships: personal relation

.Sara es prima de Martin – Sara is Martin’s cousin

Profession or Occupation: to describe someone’s profession

.Lisa es abogada – Lisa is a lawyer

Origin or Nationality: to indicate someone’s nationality

.Carlos es de Argentina – Carlos is from Argentina


It is used to describe:

Temporary states or conditions: to describe someone’s physical or emotional state

. Leo está cansado – Leo is tired

Temporary situation: to describe something that is not permanent

. Está lloviendo – It’s raining

Location: someone’s location or to indicate where something is located

. Estoy en la estación – I’m at the station

Actions: to describe an action being done

.Estoy leyendo – I’m reading

Tips for remembering the differences between SER and ESTAR

=> Ser is often used for permanent states or the way to define someone’s personality or appearance. In the case of physical characteristics, it refers more to qualities that cannot change (someone’s eye color).

=> Estar refers to temporary or changeable states and characteristics.

If you would like to know more about this topic and check different examples for similar situations, click here.

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