Adverbs of place

‘Los adverbios de lugar’ are adverbs which give the information about the place where the action of the verb is happening. Below are some of the most common adverbs we use in Spanish:

  • abajo (down/below)
  • acá (here); this one is more used in countries of South America than in Spain
  • afuera (outside)
  • ahí (there)
  • Allí (there)
  • alrededor (around)
  • arriba (up)
  • aquí (here)
  • atrás (back, behind)
  • cerca (near)
  • debajo (under)
  • delante (in front)
  • dentro (in, inside)
  • detrás (behind)
  • dónde (where)
  • encima (above, on top of)
  • enfrente (in front of)
  • fuera (out, outside)
  • junto (next to)
  • lejos (far, far away)

More information about adverbs available in this page.