About me

Helping you improve your Spanish language skills

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Hi there! This is Ana, originally from Madrid and currently living in Barcelona.

I have created this space as I felt it would be a great way to help language students like me to learn my own language which I love 🙂

Many times when studying other language I would find myself struggling when trying to understand the theory being explained in another language (that wasn’t my own) so in this website I try to explain as much as I can the difficult parts in English, hopefully to make it easier when studing grammar.

I studied tourism and I always wanted to live abroad not only to learn other languages but to know different people and cultures.

So far I have lived in 5 different cities and am planning to move somewhere else in the future, although I love my country and encourage anyone who is curious to visit and spend some time in Spain. It has so much to offer, from delicious food to beautiful cities and villages, amazing islands and a vast history where different civilitations met (muslim, visigoth, celts…) ,apart from the opportunity to practise Spanish with the Spanish people who for sure will be pleased to teach you funny and interesting words.

I must say I have studied a lot of Spanish grammar and rules about vocabulary or pronuntiation, however I am not officially teacher of Spanish. That is why I would like to say that anything you may think can be improved, it will help me to create a better site.