’20 frases útiles para tus vacaciones en España’
You have booked the flights, a hotel or a tour guide visit. Right now, you are browsing online to check some basic words and sentences in Spanish that you may need when traveling to Spain.
We want to help you with this task and make things easier from the moment you arrive to the airport.
![image of a port in Spain, sunset or sunrise light. Post about useful sentences to travel in Spain](https://spanishish.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/pexels-ignacio-de-lucas-806257046-19491774-1024x683.jpg)
Below are some common sentences including questions you may get asked and the possible reply you can give to save you some time with translating. You can check our page for pronunciation for some basic guidelines.
There are some words and short sentences we skipped in this post. These are very basic and you have probably heard them before (hola, adiós…).
List of useful sentences in Spanish
. ¿En qué le puedo ayudar? (How may I help you?)
. ¿Por dónde es la salida? (Which way is the exit?)
. ¿Cuánto cuesta? (How much is it?)
. ¿Puedo pagar con tarjeta? (Can I pay with card?)
. ¿Me trae la cuenta por favor? (Can I get the bill, please?) *for a more informal one, you can say: ‘Me cobra cuando pueda’;
In Spanish, ‘please’ can be replaced for other words that can have a meaning of gratitude, depending more on what the intonation used in the sentence is.
. ¿Sabe cuándo pasa el siguiente autobús?. (Do you know when the next bus is coming?)
. Necesito ayuda, por favor. (I need help, please)
. ¿Cuánto tiempo tarda/ se tarda? (How long does it take?// How far is it?)
. Me gustaría saber el horario, por favor. (I would to know the schedule, please)
. Me parece bien, gracias. (That works for me, thanks)
. Lo siento, pero no le he entiendo. (Sorry but I don’t understand)
. ¿Puedo probarlo? (Can I try it)
. ¿Tiene cargador para el móvil? (Do you have a charger?) *tiene is the verb form used in formal third person, usted.
.Necesito cambiar dinero (I need to exchange money)
.¿Disculpe, dónde hay un cajero automático? (Do you know where I can find an ATM?)
.¿Está cerca/ lejos? (Is it near…/far?)
.Me he perdido (I’ve got lost)
.Me gustaría pedir, por favor. (I’d like to order, please)
.¿Cuál es la contraseña del Wi-Fi? (What is the Wi-Fi password?) *in Spain you might hear something like ‘wee fee’, which is quite common way to pronounce it; literally how it would be if this word was Spanish.
.¿Qué me recomienda? (What do you recommend?)
Visit our vocabulary section if you want to learn specific words, grouped by topics.
Also you can get some basic information before visiting Spain in this website from Spanish government.